The Downtempo and Trip Hop music genres have always been well. Their popularity is ncreasing so there is no wonder that more and more people start playing this music. To make Downtempo or Trip Hop beats besiedes nice chillout samples and unpredictable vocal and instrumental cuts, you need knowledge and experience. Here are 5 really good tutorials which I have found lately.
1. How to Produce a Downtempo, Trip Hop Beat
The tuts+ have always been a source of inspiration to me. No wonder they are one of the first places too look for and there is:
2. Help Making Triphop
The second choice is the Front Page of the Internet. Whatever was the question, Reddit has its answer. They do not make tutorials in exact meaning, but things discussed there always bring something new to you.
Try Reddit Triphop tips and tricks
3. Top 5 Most Important Tips
Check Youtube and get quite interesting… Let us just say, point of view. We could not be less serious, but this guy really knows what to do in Logic. See his Top 5 Most Important Tips
Yes, I know the guy is talking actually about hiphop beats, but tell me that Trip hop has them totally different!
4. Trip Hop grooves – practical advices
That is a nice site, this Ask Audio. You should dig through it as well. For the beginning I will give you this tutorial.
5. talking Trip-Hop Techniques
And there is that unknown forum found by an accident. And guess what! It is nice. It is so nice that I give you this Talking Trip-hop Techniques link right now.